Survey Domestic Violence & Abuse Complete the survey Domestic Abuse & Violence SurveyThank you for taking 2 minutes out of your day to help support victims of domestic abuse and violence (DADV) in Rhondda. Your answers will help shape the understanding of DADV in Rhondda and our attitude towards it.You will remain anonymous, but we will be sharing our answers with partners who support victims of DADV. All we ask is your gender, and the beginning of your postcode just to confirm you’re a Rhondda resident.Gender* Gender*MaleFemaleTransgenderNon BinaryClear selectionFirst Part of your Postcode* First Part of your Postcode*Clear selectionHow common is abuse in Rhondda?* How common is abuse in Rhondda?*Very commonFairly commonNot very commonNot at all commonDon’t knowClear selectionLikelihood of yourself being a victim of domestic abuse in the future* Likelihood of yourself being a victim of domestic abuse in the future*Very likely Somewhat likelyNot very likely Not at all likely Don't knowPrefer not to sayClear selectionLikelihood of someone you know being a victim of domestic abuse in the future Likelihood of someone you know being a victim of domestic abuse in the futureVery likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likelyDon't knowPrefer not to sayClear selectionPersonal experiences of domestic abuse Personal experiences of domestic abuseBeen in a relationship where you felt your partner/husband/wife was regularly trying to stop you doing what you wanted to doBeen regularly verbally abused, put down or criticised by a partner, husband or wife Been physically attacked or abused by a partner, husband or wifeHad unwanted sexual contact (e.g. sexual assault, rape) Been a victim of stalking or harassment (either in person or online)Been afraid of a partner At least one of the aboveNo, none of these Don’t knowPrefer not to sayClear selectionHow would you help a female friend experiencing domestic violence? How would you help a female friend experiencing domestic violence?Ask friend if she is doing ok Ask friend directly about abuseTalk to her partner about the abuseTalk to friends about what is wrongEncourage her to contact a help line Encourage her to report to the police and other support servicesReport to the police and other support servicesOther Don’t knowClear selectionWhy would you be unlikely to help a female friend experiencing domestic violence? Why would you be unlikely to help a female friend experiencing domestic violence?Feeling that you should not get involvedFear that I might make the situation worseFear that it would not improve the safety for those involvedFriends with both partners in the relationshipFeeling that the police would not treat it seriouslyFear that children would be removed from familyOtherDon’t knowClear selection