
Calling all Rhondda Fach Residents

Please complete the multi-choice questions below

I want to make sure Residents in the Rhondda Fach are able to benefit from the South Wales Metro changes made to the Trehebert line by re-introducing train buses. We need to make it easier and cheaper to travel by bus and train to Cardiff from the Fach, I think train buses give us the opportunity to do that.  ⬇️
Rhondda Fach Train Buses
Rhondda Fach Train Buses
Do you live in the Rhondda Fach? I want to hear from you!

Where in the Rhondda Fach do you reside? *

Where in the Rhondda Fach do you reside? *

How often do you use the Treherbert line train?*

How often do you use the Treherbert line train?*

Do you usually drive or catch a bus to your nearest station? *

Do you usually drive or catch a bus to your nearest station? *

If the Train Buses were re-introduced, which meant purchasing just one cheaper ticket rather than buying two separate tickets, would you catch the bus to your nearest station (Porth or Ystrad) or still drive? *

If the Train Buses were re-introduced, which meant purchasing just one cheaper ticket rather than buying two separate tickets, would you catch the bus to your nearest station (Porth or Ystrad) or still drive? *

Would you travel by train more, less, or no change if train buses were re-introduced? *

Would you travel by train more, less, or no change if train buses were re-introduced? *

Any further comments?

Any further comments?